UHSA provides a limited number of scholarships for students. If you are a new or transfer student, you will be considered for scholarships at the time of admission.

CARICOM National Award
Awarded to qualified applicants who are citizens of a CARICOM country.
Award Amount
50% discount on tuition for the Basic Sciences Terms – Awarded each academic term of the Basic Sciences.
Applicants must be accepted to the program and have a reserved seat in a future academic term.
Must show proof of CARICOM country citizenship.
Displaced Ukraine Medical Students
Awarded to qualified applicants who are transferring from a Ukrainian medical school affected by the war in Ukraine.
Award Amount
50% discount on tuition for Each Academic Term – Awarded each academic term of the Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences. Students are subject to hospital fees during the Clinical Sciences.
Must transfer from a Ukrainian medical school. Medical school transcripts must be in English.
The scholarship is automatically applied once reviewed by the academic committee.